Skincare Active Ingredients You Should Never Mix

Skincare Active Ingredients You Should Never Mix

Taking care of your skin involves more than just throwing together a bunch of active ingredients and hoping for the best. While layering skincare products can be beneficial, not all combinations play nice with each other. In this guide, we'll delve into ten pairs of active ingredients that should never be mixed and the reasons behind these skincare taboos.

Retinol and Vitamin C:

Experts usually advise against using retinol and vitamin C together. This is because the different PH requirements of the two ingredients usually end up rendering each other ineffective.

However, this only happens if you use retinol and vitamin C at the same time. It's perfectly safe and very effective to incorporate both retinol and vitamin C into your skincare routine, as long as you use them at different times of the day.

Benzoyl Peroxide and Vitamin C:


Benzoyl peroxide is known for its oxidative properties, which can destabilize and neutralize the antioxidant effects of Vitamin C. Instead, use it on alternate days.


Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs):



Using both types of exfoliants in high concentrations can lead to irritation and over-exfoliation. If you want to use both, try using one in the morning and the other at night, or alternate days. It’s also fine to layer your exfoliants, but that tends to be too much for most people (kind of like eating an entire tub of ice-cream instead of a scoop).

Vitamin C and Copper Peptides:

The warning against combining Vitamin C and copper peptides stems from their susceptibility to oxidation. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties but can undergo oxidation when exposed to air or light, diminishing its efficacy. Copper peptides, containing copper ions, have the potential to accelerate this oxidation process. Therefore, combining them may compromise the effectiveness of Vitamin C. To maintain the benefits of each ingredient, it's advisable to use them at different times in your skincare routine.

AHA/BHA and Benzoyl Peroxide:

Combining these potent exfoliants can strip the skin's protective barrier, leading to irritation and sensitivity.

Peptides and AHA/BHAs:

The caution against combining peptides with AHA/BHA lies in the potential degradation of peptides within the acidic environment created by these exfoliating acids. Peptides, crucial for collagen production, may lose effectiveness when exposed to low pH. To preserve the benefits of both, it's recommended to use them at different times in your skincare routine.

Salicylic Acid and Vitamin C:

Combining salicylic acid, known for its exfoliating properties, with Vitamin C can be a bit tricky. Salicylic acid operates at an acidic pH, which might destabilize Vitamin C, potentially diminishing its efficacy. Using them together may compromise the benefits of each ingredient. To ensure the effectiveness of both, consider applying them at different times during your skincare routine.

Getting to know your skincare ingredients is like unlocking the secret to a thriving skincare routine! Customize your regimen based on what your skin needs, keeping in mind factors like pH compatibility and possible interactions. While it's tempting to experiment, approaching your skincare routine with a thoughtful, informed outlook ensures that each product becomes a nurturing friend in caring for your skin. 🌟

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